Ôªø .: Stefano Patarino :.
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Educational History

After high school, Mr. Patarino devoted himself to the dramatic arts, studying acting at the Scuola Regionale di Recitazione del Teatro Verdi (the Verdi Theater's Regional School of Drama) of Padova under the guidance of Checco Rissone.

At the same time he cultivated his music studies at Il Conservatorio di Musica "Cesare Pollini" di Padova (The Conservatory of Music "Cesare Pollini" of Padova), where he graduated in flute in 1987 under Professor Clementine Hoogendoorn Scimone. At the same conservatory, he attained a postbaccalaureate qualification in Music Didactics in 1993.

In 2009 he achieved an M A in "Video Production and Film Studies" at Thames Valley University, London (UK).
